Meetings Management
MODULE NAME: “Masterful Meetings Management”
NOMINAL DURATION: (varies according to needs, 2-4 Days)
Module Purpose:
To develop your skills in managing meetings, so that future meetings will be more productive. This module will equip the learner, and also enhance established strengths, with a range of knowledge and skills that are fundamental to positively contributing to an effective meeting anywhere.
Who Should Attend:
Managers of any discipline whose organizational role requires them to plan or chair meetings on behalf of the company or business unit, with internal / external customers or suppliers. More managers are required to chair and participate in meetings as part of their daily work. Through this course, you will develop a framework and understanding of the meeting process and its techniques, and gain the skills needed to achieve a better outcome for all concerned.
General Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this workshop participants will:
- Realize that taking the chair in committees and meetings is a leadership role
- That properly organized meetings can be very productive and add value to your company
- By understanding various skills we can make meetings a time earner and not a time waster.
- Understand what makes a successful meeting
- Gain a wide understanding of the meeting process and unique techniques
- Appreciate the problem of meetings and how to solve them
- Gain overall understanding of how meeting techniques can guide your success
- Understand the value of planning and having clear objectives
“A meeting is an event where minutes are taken and hours wasted”
Note: all or part of the following content is specially prepared for many types of needs and audiences.
Learning Outcomes will be achieved through structured learning activities based on:
- Defining a meeting
- Profile of “an effective meeting”.
- Examine the framework to successful meetings
- Planning and preparation – organizing for better meetings
- Meeting objectives
- The language of meetings
- Types of meetings
- Use of the process steps of meetings
- The beginning process – setting the scene
- Opening and closing a meeting
- Problem with meetings and solutions
- Purpose of meetings
- Discussing the human dimension: style (push / pull) and relationships
- Meeting tactics
- The use of concessions and how to make them
- Attitudes in meetings
- Question and listening to encourage co-operative participation
- Understanding importance of developing a meeting plan
- Problem solving
- Having goals
- Meeting ‘menaces’
- Organization
- Leadership in meetings
- The Three Laws of Meetings
- Time Management
- Effective Meetings flow chart
- Examine meeting place and time
- Types of roles in a meeting
- Discussions/coaching, feedback, questions, and action plan to “APPLY”.
“Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything”